I seriously cannot believe how quick this week came and went. So i feels like I talked to you all like 18 months ago. But then this week seems like it went by so fast. Mission life literally cannot be explained. Or maybe I just crazy....Its probably the later...oh dang.
Well this week has been pretty good! We just always have fun you know. Even on the slow weeks. We have been trying sooo hard to get our investigators to church so they can progress! We even gave a skirt to one of our investigators who always uses the excuse that she is to fat and can't find a skirt! She even said. ohhh that skirt is so pretty....But then she just came up with another excuse. I don't even know. haha they are all so funny. Like I say slow progression. She wants to come.
Honestly though, some weeks the people who keep me sane are my companions. I am going to miss them loads when transfers role around! its about 2 weeks out and I am somewhat dreading it. I am almost done with my training. I feel like I need about another 18 months of training then I will be ready to teach God's children the restored gospel! But I know he qualifies me for the work as I try my hardest to be obedient. I cannot answer every question or argument thrown at me. But I know without a shadow of a doubt that my Savior lives, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is God's kingdom once again established on the earth, that priesthood power is found in this church, that Joseph Smith is the prophet of this dispensation and he restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ again to the earth, and what I am doing right now in my life, is the best thing I could do for my life, for my immediate families lives, and my future families lives. And with that knowledge and my testimony I can bring to pass miracles.
So we have an investigator family who referred themselves. But they are very interested in hearing about the church. Not really about the spiritual side of things. They pretty much told us that we are blindly following by faith in a religion that we know nothing about. Because they have a lot of deep doctrine questions about things that do not build a testimony so we always answer it all comes down to faith. In preach my gospel there is a quote that says “Our main task is to declarethe gospel and do it effectively. We are not obligated to answer every objection. Every man eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and there he must makehis stand”. I live by this when I am in lessons with this investigator family. All questions cannot be answered there is a reason God does not always give exact proof and the exact coordinates on where to find a civilization from the Book of Mormon. We have to show him we are willing to take the time to know for ourselves through the holy spirit. There would be no point to this earthly life if he just showed it all to us from the beginning.
Earlier this week my companions and I were in New Haven and we all decide we need to visit a less active we've been thinking of for a long time. so we go out there to her house and when we get there, we find out that not only is she home, but a member her son and a recent convert are all there too! So we are all standing outside and we're sharing a message about how we feel the spirit. When out of no where, while the member was sharing her testimony, Sandy (the less active member) whacks the railing of the stairs she is sitting on with her water bottle as hard as she can I am just sitting there like what the...while her dog is howling in the background trying to pay attention the the sweet sisters testimony but then the woman just says, "that bee's gonna be PO'd when he wakes up!". After that everyone's in tears laughing from the ridiculous situation. Eventually we all stop laughing and I just say, "So the spirit..." we all start laughing again!
So we have an investigator family who referred themselves. But they are very interested in hearing about the church. Not really about the spiritual side of things. They pretty much told us that we are blindly following by faith in a religion that we know nothing about. Because they have a lot of deep doctrine questions about things that do not build a testimony so we always answer it all comes down to faith. In preach my gospel there is a quote that says “Our main task is to declarethe gospel and do it effectively. We are not obligated to answer every objection. Every man eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and there he must makehis stand”. I live by this when I am in lessons with this investigator family. All questions cannot be answered there is a reason God does not always give exact proof and the exact coordinates on where to find a civilization from the Book of Mormon. We have to show him we are willing to take the time to know for ourselves through the holy spirit. There would be no point to this earthly life if he just showed it all to us from the beginning.
Earlier this week my companions and I were in New Haven and we all decide we need to visit a less active we've been thinking of for a long time. so we go out there to her house and when we get there, we find out that not only is she home, but a member her son and a recent convert are all there too! So we are all standing outside and we're sharing a message about how we feel the spirit. When out of no where, while the member was sharing her testimony, Sandy (the less active member) whacks the railing of the stairs she is sitting on with her water bottle as hard as she can I am just sitting there like what the...while her dog is howling in the background trying to pay attention the the sweet sisters testimony but then the woman just says, "that bee's gonna be PO'd when he wakes up!". After that everyone's in tears laughing from the ridiculous situation. Eventually we all stop laughing and I just say, "So the spirit..." we all start laughing again!
I am lucky to have spiritual experiences, but also I am lucky that I can just laugh! I love to laugh all of the time. Its so good that the people out here love to laugh to! It doesn't get much better than Washington, Missouri for sure! I am so blessed to be out here at this time!
I love you all so much! Always remember who you are and what you are destined to become as you remain true to the faith that so many before us have cherished!
I cannot thank you all enough for your love and prayers. They are much needed. I love you guys. Keep on keepin' on.
Love you to the moon and back,
Sister Izzy Haderlie
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